Selecting & customizing products

Givee offers a curated, high-quality assortment of products to choose from, including personalizable assortment options powered by print on demand.

Click 'Get Started' below to navigate through our step-by-step guide on product selection and customization.

From the Products section of the Givee store, you will see all available items from the catalog. You can filter these items by category, cost, or POD availability.

Toggling an item to the Enabled state will add it to your store. Finish selecting your items and save your changes to populate your selection to your store. From here, you may further customize and adjust availability for the items you've selected.

For each item in your store, you'll want to Set Customization. From here you will be able to choose which color variation of the item is displayed in the store. You'll also be able to choose which logos appear on which color items, if you chose to upload multiple items. You can also choose the text color for any POD items and apply a preview so guests have an idea of what the item will look like once decorated. From here you can save your changes and preview your designs before submitting your Givee store for approval.


Managing a guest list

Manage the store guest list with a CSV teamplate and manual add.

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Looking for more help?

Submit our form to reach the Givee support team or schedule a one-on-one session with an expert and let us help with your store.